

Designed to provide the ultimate value

per request
Pay As You Go

100 free pages sumamrized

Scheduled written followups

Digital request process

Increased privacy and security

Consolidated billing and cost recovery

Legal billing softweare integration

Access to an amazing support team

No contract commitment

per request
100 - 300 Monthly Requests

200 free pages sumamrized

Scheduled written and verbal followups

Digital request process

Increased privacy and security

Consolidated billing and cost recovery

Legal billing softweare integration

Access to an amazing support team

Dedicated customer success representative

Quarterly performance reviews

1 complimentary training session

custom fee
301 + Monthly Requests

300 free pages sumamrized

Scheduled written and verbal followups

Digital request process

Increased privacy and security

Consolidated billing and cost recovery

Legal billing softweare integration

Access to an amazing support team

Dedicated customer success representative

API integration

Monthly performance reviews

10 complimentary training sessions

First 10 requests FREE



To transfer health records and medical imaging

Dynacare logo
Gluckstein Personal Injury Lawyers logo
Wise Elephant Family Health Team logo
Devry Smith Frank LLP Lawyers & Mediators
McLEISH Orlando Critical Injury Lawyers logo
Southlake Regional Health Centre
WillDavidson LLP logo
Thunder Bay Regional Health Sciences Centre logo