Accessibility Policy

Policy Title: Accessibility Policy and Multi-YearAccessibility Plan
Approved by:
Juliana Doxey, Sr Director People Operations
Date LastApproved:
February 22, 2024 Date Revised: February 22, 2024

Accessibility Policy and Multi-YearAccessibility Plan

This accessibility policy and plan outline theactions that MedChart Inc. (the “Company”) has and will put in place to improveopportunities for people with disabilities in accordance with the Integrated Accessibility Standards underthe Accessibility for Ontarians withDisabilities Act, 2005 (the “Act” or “AODA”). In addition to this policyand plan, the Company also has a separate policy regarding accessible customerservice.

Statement of Commitment

The Company is committed to treating all people in away that allows them to maintain their dignity and independence. We believe inintegration and equal opportunity. We are committed to meeting the needs ofpeople with disabilities in a timely manner, and will do so by preventing andremoving barriers to accessibility and meeting accessibility requirements underthe AODA and the Integrated AccessibilityStandards.

1. Scope

This policy applies to the Company’s operations inthe province of Ontario.

2. Emergency Information and Procedures

The Company is committed to providing customers andclients with publicly available emergency information in an accessible way uponrequest. We will also provide individualized workplace emergency responseinformation to employees with disabilities if we are made aware of the need foraccommodation.

3. Training

The Company has provided, and will continue to provide,training to employees, volunteers, and other staff members who provide goods,services or facilities on behalf of the Company, on the requirements set out inthe Integrated Accessibility Standards and on the Ontario Human Rights Code asit relates to people with disabilities. Training will be provided in a way that best suits theduties of the applicable staff, within 4 weeks after staff commence theirduties or as soon as practicable, and on an ongoing basis when changes are madeto policies pursuant to the Integrated Accessibility Standards. A record ofthis training will be kept, including the dates on which training is providedand the number of individuals to whom it is provided.

4. Feedback Processes

The Company has taken, and will continue to take, reasonable steps to ensure that its existing feedback processes are accessible to people with disabilities upon request.

5. Accessible Formats

The Company is committed to meeting the communicationneeds of people with disabilities. We will take reasonable steps to ensure thatall publicly available information controlled by the Company is provided in anaccessible way upon request. The Company will also consult with the personmaking the request to determine his or her information and communication needs.The Company will notify the public about the availability of accessible formats and communication supports, includingwith respect to the feedback process, by posting a notice to the website.

6. Websites

The Company will take reasonable steps to ensure thatall new websites controlled by the Company, and content on those sitespublished after January 1, 2012, conform with WCAG 2.0, Level A, except wheremeeting the requirement is not practicable. We will also take reasonable stepsto ensure that all websites controlled by the Company, and content on thosesites published after January 1, 2012 (other than live captions andpre-recorded audio descriptions), conform with WCAG 2.0, Level AA by January 1, 2021, except where meeting the requirement is not practicable.

7. Employment

The Company is committed to fair and accessibleemployment practices.We will take reasonable steps to implement thefollowing actions:

•The Company will notify the public and staff that, when requested, it will accommodate people with disabilities during the recruitment andassessment processes and when people are hired;

•The Company will develop and put in place a process for developing individual accommodation plans for employeeswith disabilities;

•The Company will develop and put in place a return towork process for employees who have been absent from work due to a disability and require disability-related accommodations in order to return to work; and

•The Company will ensure the accessibility needs of employees with disabilities are taken into account if using performancemanagement, career development and advancement, or redeployment processes.

The Company will also take reasonable steps to prevent and remove other accessibility barriers that are identified.

8. Design of Public Spaces

The Company will meet the Design of Public Spaces Standards when building or making major modifications to publicspaces, including:

•Ensuring its work spaces have automatic door openersto assist persons with mobility challenges; and

We will also put reasonable procedures in place toprevent service disruptions to accessible parts of these public spaces and to deal with temporary disruptions when accessible elements required under these Standards are not in working order.

In the event of a service disruption, the Company will notify the public of the service disruption and alternatives available.

9. Contact Information

For more information about this accessibility policy andplan, including if you would like to make a request under this accessibility policy and plan, pleasecontact us at:

Juliana Doxey

Senior Director People Operations & Privacy
503-460 Richmond Street WestToronto, ONM5V 1Y1
Accessible formats of this document are also available for free upon request.